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Rex's Revenge

1st Prize Winner - Sheffield Hallam End-Of-Year Showcase 2020

The Project

By Team Buttered Chicken

This project was developed for a first-year university module. Rex's Revenge is a short, arcade-style, side-scroller with small comedic touches to hopefully entertain anyone who plays.

My Role

Designer - SCRUM Leader

My responsibilities on this project included:

  • Level Design

  • System Design

  • C# Coding

  • Team/SCRUM Management

I was tasked with designing some of the level layouts and combat mechanics, coding timing and level systems and co-managed the team alongside the Team Leader.​


The Design

From Arcade Shooter to Speed-runner

We learned from QA tests throughout development that speedrunning and recording the fastest time to complete the game was a major draw for players. Therefore, I designed, coded, and implemented a timing system that recorded the player's personal best time to complete the game start to finish.

The Team

Buttered Chicken

Tom Dowker

  • Design - Team Lead​


Matthew Chapman

  • Design - SCRUM Lead​


Joseph "Joe" Barry

  • Code​


Rhianna Dennis

  • Character Art​


Nathan Thomas

  • Environment Art​


Yasmin Wilson

  • NPC Art​

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